Your privacy is important for us. We are transparent, comply with privacy regulations such as GDPR, and provide this privacy policy in an understandable language free of legalese.
The legal entity which owns Koala apps is:
Ondřej KubíčekAll our data are stored in Google Cloud Platform. We specifically use services called Firebase. Geographically, the data are stored in Poland.
Google Cloud Platform is trusted by many businesses worldwide and they have one of the best security in the industry. On top of that, we provide our data only via HTTPS (an encrypted connection). This way, your data cannot be intercepted on the way, for example when connected to an unsecured WiFi network. We take security very seriously and take every measure to prevent data leaks. If you suspect any security issue, contact us immediately at
Other users who are in the same party as you can access your:
We don’t share your data with any third parties except:
Indefinitely, unless the service is shut down.
You can delete all your data in the app: open Account by tapping on your avatar in the top right corner of the screen and select Delete account at the bottom. Note that party may be shared with others, it transfers ownership to others first automatically.
If you need to export data, contact us at
Contact us at
We will try hard to avoid that, but we offer no guarantees for data losses. In the case of an expected service shutdown, we will contact all users via email announcing this at least one month before shutdown, so you will be able to export all your data.