We are transparent in providing you with Koala service. These Terms of service is in an understandable language free of legalese. Also, check out our Privacy Policy.
The service is called Koala. It has a web app, iOS app, Android app, Windows app, and Mac app. You can find links to all the apps on this website. The service is a songbook with synchronization via our servers. Some parts of the service are paid under the Premium plan (explained in the app). Some parts of the service are free to use.
Please don’t use the service in the following ways:
We have the right to delete your account, your Koala data and data of people you shared it with. In extreme cases, we might block your IP address/devices.
We don’t guarantee any availability or stability. The service is provided “as is” and can be shut down anytime. However, we will try hard to prevent that. If you find any problems, please contact our support. We will try to let all users know by email before we make major changes/outages/shutdowns.